Vegan Voodoo Lounge Veggie Outers Meetup (Lancaster)

Category: Vegan

Rating: 6.8


The best summary of our experience here is that the meetup was interesting but for a variety of reasons. Some good, some bad. Not in the mood to read? Check out the video review below!

Also if you would like to join us at one of our meetups, click here to join our facebook group or here to join on meetup!

This review is sponsored by Financial Anatomy. If you’re looking to achieve financial success by finding out the strengths of your personality and using them to your advantage, check out Elijah book: The Anatomy Of Financial Success: The Key To Building Financial Confidence And Destroying Your Insecurities About Money here.

Food: This was easily the most mixed that we’ve ever felt about a restaurant when it comes to the food. Some of us loved the food while other really didn’t like it. There wasn’t really a middle ground. You either love it or hate it! We go more into detail on this in the video review but our advice to ask for the top 3 most popular items and pick something from one of those 3 since there most popular items are the most consistent when it comes to likability.

Atmosphere: The place is decked out in a African style theme. Not unlike the Pan African Connection Bookstore. There are sculptures all over the way as well as various crystals , beads and crystal books on display on for sale. Combine this with the afro beats that are playing in the background and you have yourself an Afrocentric atmosphere. We greatly found it to our liking! Some of us thought the music was a bit too loud but that aside, we enjoyed it. You may want to bring a jacket with you if you are dining in though as we found the inside to be a little chilly. Worse case scenerio, if it’s not that day then you could always take the jacket off.

Customer Service: Sadly this is where we have to be the most critical. It’s important to keep in mind that there were 16 of us so were weren’t a small crowd. Even still, it took around an hour for everyone to get their food. That’s not us collectively. We’re saying that from the time one veggie outer order their food, they got their food an hour later in most cases. That’s entirely too slow. On the brighter side, they are extremely nice and we liked the fact that they had a few physically menus that we could look at when deciding on what to order. Many restaurants just have their menu online nowadays. The actually menu in the store is bigger and has more options then the one we saw on their website and on the food delivery apps like Uber Eats and Doordash. This is something you’ll want to take note of. Sadly, this can’t make up for a long wait time though. Our advice is to order ahead of time if possible so that the wait can be massively reduced. Although part of the wait was due to our group size so that’s something to consider too.

Price: The prices in terms of a value ratio vary depending on what you get which is somewhat strange. Some of us felt what we got was well priced but others felt it was priced poorly. There were even some people that were kind of in the middle. Because of this, we’re going to refer you to watch the price section of our video review below. In there, we all share what each person got on the menu and commented on the price for that particular item. That should help you make a more informed decision when it comes to the price and value of it.

Overall we found the atmosphere to be the best element of the meetup. The food and price vary depending on what was order but the customer service could use some improvement. Mainly when it comes to the speed of getting the food out.

Nuno’s Tacos & Vegmex Grill Veggie Outers Review 2023 (Richardson)

Category: Vegan

Rating: 8.3

Website: N/A

The best way to overview our experience with Nuno’s is say that they have taken some steps forward in some regards but they have taken a few steps back in other areas when comparing them to how they were the 1st time we went. They currently operate using a take out model with some exceptions to dining in. With that being the case, many things mentioned in this review will be comparing them to how they were in 2020. If you would like to see our 1st review of them, click here. Now that we have mentioned that, lets go into our review!

Also if you would like to join us at one of our meetups, click here to join our facebook group or here to join on meetup!

This review is sponsored by The Side Hustler’s Society. If you’re looking for different ways of make money along side your job, check out The Side Hustler’s Society Podcast and you tube channel!

Food: The food has improved from the last time we paid them a visit. That’s saying a lot since the food was already great in 2020. Not only is the food tasty but we agreed that they have a good protein variety for a vegan restaurant. Some people don’t like to consume soy or may not want to eat a particular meat substitue. Their menu is so protein diverse that there is something for everyone. This is something that we feel all vegan restaurants should adapt at some point. In this regards, Nuno’s is ahead of the curb!

Atmosphere: Not much has changed in this regard from the last time we were there. The things that have changed are for the worse though. Not enough to break the experience but they are worth mentioning. Not all of the lights were on in the building and occasionally the AC would kick on, making a noise that would disrupt conversations from time to time. This comes with the territory of the take out model but that’s why our atmosphere rating is lower then it was before.

Customer Service: The setup that they are using now has the biggest effect on this category. As it stands, they offer a option to dine in but by reservation only. The max reservation that they will allow is a party of 10 people. This was problematic for us since some of our meetups can have as many as 25 people. Due to this, some people could not attend this meetup. It should be noted that there are 2 tables right outside the restaurant with 6 chairs that can be used. These were the tables that used to be inside the restaurant the 1st time we reviewed them. This doesn’t make for the best customer experience since there is a max put on how many people can dine in per party and a reservation has to be made ahead of time. The Toasttab software that they use for accepting orders and reservations has a max input of 20 people though which can lead to some confusion. Just know that they have a max of 10 people, not the 20 default setting that is on the Toasttab software

When it came to us actually being in the restaurant though, we felt the service was great! The staff remembered us from the 1st time we were there and they were very friendly and chatty. Both of these factors come together to make a average experience when it comes to customer service. With the planning process of getting there being unfavorable but once we were there, the experience being exceptional.

A key note in this category that has to be mentioned though is we feel they need a website. This was brought up the 1st time we were there but they were newer so it was a little more acceptable. This time around though, most restaurants whether they be take out or dine in have websites. A lot of what was mentioned here would have been solved with a website where you can control the user experience to make it as smooth as possible so the customer can understand that this is a take out restaurant and the the dine in reservation has a max of 10 people.

As it stands, the take out slash dine in aspect of the restaurant can be confusing and other social medias like facebook and instagram, they still say they are a takeout restaurant. A website would go a long way toward streamlining the communication of how their restaurant is setup which would make for a better experience for customers. Hopefully in the future, they get a website so that these issues can be addressed.

Price: Inflation is a thing and the price of food has gone up! We didn’t feel like their prices have went up any more or less then other vegan restaurants so we felt the prices were appropriate given the situation.

Overall heading back to Nuno’s was a good experience! The food is tasty and has plenty of protein variety! The issues named in the customer service section keep it from being a great one though. The good news is that most of those issues can be addressed with website or a more refined communication process on the media outlets that they use like Toasttab, Instagram and Facebook. Even still, we highly recommend them! Just be sure to plan around the things mentioned in the customer service section and you should have a good experience.

Spiral Diner Veggie Outers Review (Fort Worth)

Category: Vegan

Rating: 8.5


Spiral Diner provided a great dining experience while having some slight controversies with prices and customer service. We go more into detail on this in the review so lets get started! Not in the mood to read? Check out the video review below!

Also if you would like to join us at one of our meetups, click here to join our facebook group or here to join on meetup!

This review is sponsored by The Side Hustler’s Society. If you’re looking for different ways of make money along side your job, check out The Side Hustler’s Society Podcast and you tube channel!

Food: We universally enjoyed the food here. The menu has a LOT of variety in it. So much that regardless of what type of taste buds you have, Spirals will likely have something on their menu that will satisfy them. The only real critiuqe that we have ( it’s more of a nitpic) is if they could add traditional french fries to their menu, that’d be awesome. As it stands, they don’t really have and form for french fries. Given the type of food that they serve, we feel it’s appropriate to include them. Without them, the sides on the menu seem incomplete. That aside, the food was great!

Customer Service: The staff is very friendly and they attended to us regularly. Plus, they have actually keep the old school format of someone taking your order at your table and bringing your food out. That alone deserves praise since nowadays, a lot of restaurants are attempting to move towards a self serving model. As you can tell, we aren’t fans of the self serving model so it’s nice to see a traditional service model in place. We did have an issue here though. As more members came, it would have been nice to have an additional table for our group. They didn’t give us an extra table so some of us had to sit separate from the group table. If they were packed to full capacity, this would be understandable but they were only at 50 to 70 percent occupancy during the meetup. There were tables literally just sitting there that could have been used. All other restaurants have been accommodating in this regard so this is some feedback that we hope they might implement going forward since it is somewhat of an industry standard.

Atmosphere: It has the atmosphere of a diner. What more can we say? Visually we wppreciated the art on the walls and the plants that they had in the restaurant. It’s only fitting that a plant based restaurant have some plants, right? These plants were real though and well maintained so that was a nice visual touch. It can get loud inside the restaurant though so you’ll want to keep that in mind ahead of time.

Price: The prices were kind of high when compared to other restaurants, vegan ones included. Inflation has had an effect on the whole industry so prices have increase everywhere accross the board. For Spirals though, they’ve increase 2 to 3 dollars more then other places which makes one of the more expensive places that we’ve been to.

Overall Spiral Diner in Fort Worth was an enjoyable experience. The food is tasty and has a lot in term of variety. This experience does have a price to it but it is an experience nonetheless.

Green Papaya Plant Based Veggie Outers Review (Closed)

Category: Vegan

Rating: 7.6


Green Papaya Plant Based offers a unique and tranquil atmosphere while offering a decent experience in all the other ways. They were definitely one of our most memorable restaurants to visit but not for the reasons you may think! We go more into detail on this in the review so lets get started! Not in the mood to read? Check out the video review below!

This review is sponsored by Financial Anatomy. If you’re looking to achieve financial success by finding out the strengths of your personality and using them to your advantage, check out Elijah book: The Anatomy Of Financial Success: The Key To Building Financial Confidence And Destroying Your Insecurities About Money here.

Food: The best description for the food here is they have taken food that is pretty standard and put a unique twist on it. They have burgers and pizzas but all of them have something different about them. For example, their pizza can be gluten free upon request which is a nice touch. Different doesn’t mean better though. We were mixed about the food in general. Some people liked it and appreciated that there were things on the more healthier side. Others were a bit disappointed on the taste. And many people were in the middle. The food section of our video review reveals more of our thoughts individually. The summary is that it is standard food with a unique spin on the popular dishes. It should be noted that at the time of the review, the restaurant had a promotion going on where you get 1 free latte for ordering an entree which was very nice! We recommend checking with them to see if they happen to have that promotion going on when you visit if you are a latte person

Atmosphere: We all agreed that this was their strongest category. The restaurant is green and generally plant themed which is fitting for a plant based restaurant. Fake plants are hanging from the ceiling and seating is a mix of booths and tables. 1 big bonus that they have is that the booths can actually be moved around. This by default makes it easier to accommodate a big group like us if needed. The place is also very quiet with laid back music playing in the background. All of this created an atmosphere that we greatly enjoyed!

Customer Service: This is the most interesting category for this restaurant in a way. Our food was brought out via an AI robot which caught most of us off guard. If you would like to see what the robot looks like, check out our video review below.

Unfortunately the robot did not make for a smoother experience. We were not told that a bot would be brining our food out so the 1st time it came, we literally didn’t even notice it. On top of this, it kept getting our orders mixed up which lead to the human staff having to come and pick up the slack. The robot was also a conduit for a number spills involving the sauces that it was carrying to be wasted on the floor and even some of us. You are likely seeing a common theme.

The robot was quite literally at the center of all of the problems we encountered. That’s a shame because the staff themselves are SUPER cool and nice. They even offer the veggie outers that were affected by the sauce spills free lattes to make up for this. For these reason, we fill that the customer service would actually be perfect if the robot was taken out of the equation altogether.

Price: The prices in themselves were fine. Some of us did have an issue with the portions though. We felt that for what we paid, we should have gotten a little more food. There’s not much more to say here other then a slight increase in the portions would go a long way here

Overall we had quite the different experience with Green Papaya Plant Based. The alluring thing about it is the atmosphere. Even though we had some hiccups that were elaborated on in the review, we don’t feel they are beyond fixing. It does feel great to have another plant based restaurant in Uptown Dallas!

TLC Vegan Cafe/Kitchen Veggie Outers Meetup (Richardson)

Category: Vegan

Rating: 8.4


TLC Kitchen offer some tasty food in a unique atmosphere at some “interesting” prices. Obvious that statement needs some elaboration. That’s what the review here is for so if you’re intriged, you’ll want to keep reading. Not in the mood to read? Check out the video review below!

Also if you would like to join us at one of our meetups, click here to join our facebook group or here to join on meetup!

This review is sponsored by Financial Anatomy. If you’re looking to achieve financial success by finding out the strengths of your personality and using them to your advantage, check out Elijah book: The Anatomy Of Financial Success: The Key To Building Financial Confidence And Destroying Your Insecurities About Money here.

Food: 2 words sum up our experience with the food here. Eccentric and tasty! We thought the food was very good. A special shoutout goes to their desserts that left anyone who got one almost speechless! Not completely though as they had enough words in them to give the desserts praise in the video review.

Customer Service: TLC Kitchen took us back to a time before the pandemic. You know when restaurants actually SERVED their customers. They took our orders and brought us our checks. We didn’t have to get up for anything unless we needed to use the restroom. Can we take a moment to appreciate how rare that is nowadays. There we some drawback in this category though. We felt that the food took longer then average to come out. In particular, the desserts took around 30 minutes which is a bit much. Their menu could also use some work. Not what is available on the menu but the actually paper menu. It didn’t have any pictures of the food on there. Since they are a new restaurant, we are hoping this will change down the line but it’s worth pointing out right now. It should also be pointed out that they didn’t accept cash during our meetup so you’ll want to make sure you have your debit card with you.

Atmosphere: The place is full of artwork and plants which is fitting for a plant based restaurant! There is a bit of a story that goes along with how we felt about the plants. Details on this are in the video review. Overall we enjoyed the atmosphere though

Price: In general, we felt that the price was too high given the portion sizes that we received. Maybe in the future this can be changed but it’s something that needs to be thought about when thinking about this restaurant.

Overall we enjoyed our visit to TLC Vegan Kitchen. Would we go back? We would for the food and atmosphere but the experience can be made better if the prices are adjusted to be more in line with other vegan restaurants.