Category: Vegan
Rating: 8.5
Spiral Diner provided a great dining experience while having some slight controversies with prices and customer service. We go more into detail on this in the review so lets get started! Not in the mood to read? Check out the video review below!
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This review is sponsored by The Side Hustler’s Society. If you’re looking for different ways of make money along side your job, check out The Side Hustler’s Society Podcast and you tube channel!
Food: We universally enjoyed the food here. The menu has a LOT of variety in it. So much that regardless of what type of taste buds you have, Spirals will likely have something on their menu that will satisfy them. The only real critiuqe that we have ( it’s more of a nitpic) is if they could add traditional french fries to their menu, that’d be awesome. As it stands, they don’t really have and form for french fries. Given the type of food that they serve, we feel it’s appropriate to include them. Without them, the sides on the menu seem incomplete. That aside, the food was great!
Customer Service: The staff is very friendly and they attended to us regularly. Plus, they have actually keep the old school format of someone taking your order at your table and bringing your food out. That alone deserves praise since nowadays, a lot of restaurants are attempting to move towards a self serving model. As you can tell, we aren’t fans of the self serving model so it’s nice to see a traditional service model in place. We did have an issue here though. As more members came, it would have been nice to have an additional table for our group. They didn’t give us an extra table so some of us had to sit separate from the group table. If they were packed to full capacity, this would be understandable but they were only at 50 to 70 percent occupancy during the meetup. There were tables literally just sitting there that could have been used. All other restaurants have been accommodating in this regard so this is some feedback that we hope they might implement going forward since it is somewhat of an industry standard.
Atmosphere: It has the atmosphere of a diner. What more can we say? Visually we wppreciated the art on the walls and the plants that they had in the restaurant. It’s only fitting that a plant based restaurant have some plants, right? These plants were real though and well maintained so that was a nice visual touch. It can get loud inside the restaurant though so you’ll want to keep that in mind ahead of time.
Price: The prices were kind of high when compared to other restaurants, vegan ones included. Inflation has had an effect on the whole industry so prices have increase everywhere accross the board. For Spirals though, they’ve increase 2 to 3 dollars more then other places which makes one of the more expensive places that we’ve been to.
Overall Spiral Diner in Fort Worth was an enjoyable experience. The food is tasty and has a lot in term of variety. This experience does have a price to it but it is an experience nonetheless.