Iaso Techui is 100% refined spirulina powder, a nutritious form of alkaline food. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and other essential nutrient needed daily by the human body.
Used by the Aztecs centuries ago, spirulina became increasingly popular when used by NASA astronauts in the 1970’s as part of their diet. Gram for gram, spirulina may literally be the single most nutritious food on the planet. It’s outstanding nutritional profile, high protein, and low calorie count makes it a superfood providing excellent nutrients in addition to boosted energy levels and enhanced stamina. It is a excellent source of raw protein for both vegans and non vegans alike.
Quantity: 90 Vegetable Capsules
Capsule size: OO
If you would like to order this item, contact Elijah at 214-802-1056 and he will have your order ready at the next meetup or event the Veggie Outers is at.